Monday, 21 January 2013

Body Swapping

Many conflicts in the world are the results of simple misunderstandings. With body swapping possible, this would no longer be an issue. I would have the ability to swap bodies with any person at any time. Language barriers and foreign conflicts would be no problem with the new kind of interpreter I would become. With the ability to view every experience stored in the body I freshly occupied. I would gain a greater understanding of why people act the way they do, what future plans they have and every thought in their head at a given moment. Imagine the world's hunger problems solved. That could be the case with the millions of dollars I would win with my new "poker face". In addition, my new found "investigation" skills could be put to use in many scenarios including crime investigations, business deals and tending to the needs of newborn babies. Who needs invincibility when you have the ability to see your opponent's every move before it happens? Who needs psychic abilities when you have the ability to see thoughts AND experiences AND events of the future? With the ability to swap bodies with anyone at anytime, why would any other superpower be necessary?

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